Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lost paradise - Kathmandu city

There was a time when Kathmandu was the place to visit for the long weekend. The shopping was fantastic, the weather great and of course there was gambling for the gambling-starved Indian.

Visiting Kathmandu after a decade is a let down. The city has filth all over. There are beggars at every tourist spot. Children hound you for money at every step.
The shops have nothing which is not available in any Indian metro. All shops accept Indian currency, but only Rs 100 notes - neither Rs500, Rs 1000 or the smaller currency. The change is returned in Nepali currency and candy.
There is just one mall - the Bhat Bhateini. Nothing special here. The only thing one could contemplate shopping is the crockery, of which there is a great variety. But it isn't cheap. Though how you could carry it home is another issue. The mall also has chocolates sold at a bargain.

The other place you could see for shopping is Thamel. Its choc-o-bloc full of shops selling the usual touristy stuff - silver jewelery, tees, shawls, paintings, etc. Bargain at all times - there's no such thing as fixed prices.
The casino at Yak & Yeti was the biggest disappointment. The only reason people seem to have come here is to see the cheapie entertainment. There's a girl, who looks like a guy, surrounded by guys, who look like girls. Everyone is wearing clothes to a minimum. The gyrate ( not dance) to popular Bollywood music. Look like some bar-girls imported from Mumbai. To top it there are groups of Punjabi lalas throwing Rs 100 notes at the dancers. Bad scene.

Travelling in the city is very difficult. The public transport looks scary with small mini-buses filled to capacity. The cabs drive a hard bargain. It it is raining, everything comes to a standstill.
Advice: Carry an umbrella with you at all times.

Patan: The buildings are chipped and are falling apart. The streets have garbage all over. The cash counter selling tickets for entrance to the monuments never have change, so be prepared to forgo the Rs 5 change. Not a pleasant experience.

Kathmandu is a paradise lost.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Airport Watch - Kathmandu - Basic

Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu at Nepal is a basic airport. It fulfills its task - letting passengers arrive and take off - that's it. Large improvement since the last time I was here a couple of years back. Its cleaner. Toilets seem cleaner, and immigration more efficient. In general staff seem more professional.

There are just 2 duty free shops selling everything at exorbitent inflated prices. The other 2 duty free shops selling alcohol are closed. They still have the closure notices dated June 08 giving no reason for closure or when they would reopen.
The baggage takes endless time to come.

The touts outside can be pretty annoying. You will be astounded at the mob of people shouting and trying to take your bag to a cab. Just be firm in saying 'No'.

The VIP lounge is comfortable with a TV telecasting all Indian channels. No special facilities - just drinking water but comfortable chairs.
Rating for Kathmandu Airport: 4/10

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Airport Watch - Indira Gandhi, Delhi - Still one of worst

Delhi airport ranks among the world's worst airports. Believe me the time spent at the airport is no pleasure.

The airport is currently undergoing a major refurbishment which I thought that things would get worse before they got any better. Sure the construction material is no longer in place, but there seems no earth shattering change. Its old wine in new bottle. The airport is still crowded, the staff still sullen and keep shouting to each other across, though the toilets have changed for the better. They're reasonably clean now
Airport Code : DEL
Airport Name : Indira Gandhi International
GMT Offset : +5.5
Longitude : 77° 5” E
Latitude : 28° 34’ 10” N
Country Code: 91
Telephone: (011) 2566 1000 (Terminal 1) or (011) 2560 2000 (Terminal 2)
Duty Free Shopping: Just 2 Duty free shops with perfumes and alcohol, alcohol and more alcohol. Indians must be the most 'thirsty' people. Nothing more. The floor tiles are broken in one shop, so be careful in your heels. One of the shops is bang in the centre of the airport.

Airport facilities: Toilets are OK, though located in a corner.
Chairs are decently comfortable, but you can't sleep in one if you wanted. There's no sleeping room. No carpeting.
Drinking water: is to be searched.
Signs - few.
First aid - goodness knows where.
Food and Drink - A couple of scattered counters. Just basic sandwiches.
Luggage Trolleys - Free and plentiful.
Pay Phones - A number of Airtel paid phones.
Internet Access - One Counter with 1 laptop
Money and communications: Banks, bureau de change facilities, a post office.
Luggage: There is a left-luggage facility at the premium car park area near Terminal 2 and the standard car park opposite Terminal 1.
Its a bare airport - no landscaping, no beauty. And just nothing to do if you got time to kill.
Advice: Carry a novel.
Transfer between Terminals: Free shuttle running 24 hours

Rating: 3/10 Still the worst