Monday, July 12, 2010

Airport Watch: The new Delhi T3 Terminal

What started as the Palam Airport serving as an Air Force Station for the Indian Air Force after the 2nd World War, has come a long way. The Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport has now started the T3 terminal. Surprise, surprise ... Suddenly, the dilapidated old airport looks swanky and squeaky clean.

Though finishing touches are being give at a break-neck speed, there is a sense of shock and awe as you move up the ramp. The first impression that you get is a sight of the huge box like building which is the new parking lot. Great! That was really required. But being the cynic that I am, hope this too doesn't become as bad as the Pallika Parking which had a whole lot of cars parked 365 24/7 (Who did they belong to????)

When you enter the building, you sense space - lots of it. Of course, it helps that the terminal is not yet operational. The natural light filters in and the sun rays reflecting from the glass facade makes you feel good. Barring just a couple of Indian airports make you actually feel good.

The T3 terminal will cater to both international and national (full paid carriers) flights for the moment. After the T4 and T5 are completed in the next phase, the international flight will move to these terminals.

Entrez. You are now at the new shinning immigration of the departure. Impressive, but what happens when they are manned by the Immigration staff? Will the situation be the same as the new low floored green buses scenario? The buses may have changed but the drivers still are the same Delhi Daredevils!!!

The departure counters are fully lined with old and battered suitcases on the test run. T5 Heathrow must be still haunting everyones dreams. The suitcases look scary. They have been battered badly, some out of recognition yet held by ropes and tapes. Airports always have managed to break my suitcase with a 100% regularity. Wonder what T3 holds?

The other thing that impresses is an area called The Canyon. This is the joining point where the departing and the arriving passengers cross each other, albeit at different levels. The lower arrival level has an impressive collage of the yoga mudras. Each mudra is explained on a plage.

Then comes the duty free shopping area. The area looks impressive and very busy with all retailers putting the finishing touches.

The retailer to catch your eye is the upcoming Versace store. After Emporio Mall, this will be the 2nd store for the Italian retailer in Delhi. Other than Versace, all other major retailers are to be seen for perfumes, chocolates, medicines, books, watches, bags, toys and of course liquor.

The area has a central curb which changes the colour of the lights every few minutes.

The departure area.
The arrival area.

The Vitrified tiles give way to exquisitely crafted carpets of two different designs on two floors for domestic and international piers, each about 1.2 km long. They are interspersed with 92 automatic walkways.

The interesting story about these beautiful carpets is that no Indian manufacturer agreed to supply these carpets in the time frame required. A UK based dealer agreed to the time frame and went on to set up a manufacturing unit in Pune and delivered on time!!!

Last and not the least important area are the washrooms. These have been picture coded to avoid any confusion.

So much for the impressive put of of show by the Indian Airport Authority and partners GMR. But the real test will come when T3 becomes operational.

This time I will not be giving any rating to the airport. This will only be given when T3 becomes operational and are manned by the airport staff.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Airport Watch: Delhi Intl - Miniscule Improvement

Over the past one year you notice a little improvement at the international airport. It still is overcrowded and has difficulty handling the masses.

The facilities inside have improved, but...... it still is not Changi.

Facilities: Eating joints have opened all over. The usual Subway, sandwitches, cold drinks are there. But if looking for an eating experience - forget it! Hungry - eat - move. That's it.

The toilets have now become cleaner and no more birds popping in and out of somewhere.

Crowds: The airport is still very crowded. If your flight coincides with any of the London, Canada or US, you'll get the experience of your lifetime. For every departing passenger, there are at least 5 people to see him off. In fact there are buses coming in from all over the countryside - Ropar, Bhatinda, etc full of relatives, friends, neighbors to see off people. And they all come so prepared - ready with blankets, pillows, water bottles and of course armed with at least 2 cell phones. They park themselves just outside the departure gates and get a minute to minute update as what's happening inside, even it it takes a couple of hours.

Parking: Bad. There are 3 types of parking - the regular, the premium and free. The regular parking slots are always full and it is a task to search for an empty slot. The premium parking costs Rs120 and is nearer to the departure. Even this is nearly always full.

Then there is the free parking. (Hahaha) It works like this - if you are arriving and have a chauffeur waiting for your, ask him to park on the side of the main road, some 3-5 Kms before the airport. The moment you land, give him a missed call, and he drives right to the airport and meets you at the designated spot.

Duty free Shopping: Indians know of only two things: Chocolates and whiskey, and that's all that you get. There are some limited perfumes available.

Staff attitude: Looking for smiling friendly people? Forget it! They sulk, frown and do every thing else but smile.

On the whole- arrive, collect your luggage and get out.
If you have to wait for a connecting flight - get a Victor Hugo novel, you just might complete it.

Rating for Indira Gandhi International Airport: 5/10