Friday, May 21, 2010

Airport Watch: Delhi Intl - Miniscule Improvement

Over the past one year you notice a little improvement at the international airport. It still is overcrowded and has difficulty handling the masses.

The facilities inside have improved, but...... it still is not Changi.

Facilities: Eating joints have opened all over. The usual Subway, sandwitches, cold drinks are there. But if looking for an eating experience - forget it! Hungry - eat - move. That's it.

The toilets have now become cleaner and no more birds popping in and out of somewhere.

Crowds: The airport is still very crowded. If your flight coincides with any of the London, Canada or US, you'll get the experience of your lifetime. For every departing passenger, there are at least 5 people to see him off. In fact there are buses coming in from all over the countryside - Ropar, Bhatinda, etc full of relatives, friends, neighbors to see off people. And they all come so prepared - ready with blankets, pillows, water bottles and of course armed with at least 2 cell phones. They park themselves just outside the departure gates and get a minute to minute update as what's happening inside, even it it takes a couple of hours.

Parking: Bad. There are 3 types of parking - the regular, the premium and free. The regular parking slots are always full and it is a task to search for an empty slot. The premium parking costs Rs120 and is nearer to the departure. Even this is nearly always full.

Then there is the free parking. (Hahaha) It works like this - if you are arriving and have a chauffeur waiting for your, ask him to park on the side of the main road, some 3-5 Kms before the airport. The moment you land, give him a missed call, and he drives right to the airport and meets you at the designated spot.

Duty free Shopping: Indians know of only two things: Chocolates and whiskey, and that's all that you get. There are some limited perfumes available.

Staff attitude: Looking for smiling friendly people? Forget it! They sulk, frown and do every thing else but smile.

On the whole- arrive, collect your luggage and get out.
If you have to wait for a connecting flight - get a Victor Hugo novel, you just might complete it.

Rating for Indira Gandhi International Airport: 5/10