Thursday, July 31, 2008

Airport watch - Agatti (Out of the world)

Agatti, 459 km from Cochin, is the only island in the Lakshadweep Islands with an airport having direct flights from Cochin.
Whatever you have read on the net does not prepare you for the out of the world experience. At the Cochin airport, when I saw the flight attendent take 2 packets of milk in his hand luggage, that made me very wary and suspicious! Why would anyone want to take MILK to his home town (the guy belonged to Agatti)?

The aircraft is small, one where you walk up 7 steps a ladder into the aircraft holding on to the side support tightly. Inside, you gape at the seating - its two persons a row seperated by the centre aisle and the craft isn't even full. There's no door for the pilot's cabin. If you're sitting on the front row, you can extend your hand and swipe the pilot's sandwich. The girls giggle and whisper snide hijack jokes.

After flying for about 40min. on turquoise blue sea, suddenly you see a slipper shaped island. Its Agatti. The aircraft comes down on probably the shortest runway in the world.
When you come out of the aircraft, the first thing that you notice that this is the most unusual airport. Look left - its the east coast, look right - its the west coast. Look straight - its the end. The next thing you notice- your cell phone has no signal.
The runway is just 1min walk from the 'arrival lounge'. Lounge is a figurative word - its actually a thatched hut with 2 rooms - one is the arrival lounge and the other is the departure lounge.
It takes just 5 min for you to complete the formalities - you can actually see the guy carry your luggage in.
Walk out of the door, look around and you realize you've stepped into paradise.
My Rating for the Agatti Airport: 9.5/10 (Only because I NEVER give 10. Location, location is the key.)

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