Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bangaram Island

Bangaram is an uninhabited island. It is 1-1/2 hr boat ride from Agatti Island. The boats are from another century - a basic boat, without shelter. So start off as early as possible - definitely by 5:30 or max by 6am as it becomes very hot by the time you reach Bangaram. Also since the motor is run on diesel, the fumes can get very overwhelming. The boat man will also be catching your lunch simultaneously. The fish caught are so beautiful that you actually feel sad that they are going to land up on your dining table.
Advice : Sit in front of the boat, as far away as you can from the motor.
The moment you reach the island - you gape at the immense virgin beauty of the island. If you've lived in Mumbai or any other metro city in India, overrun by a sea of humanity, you will surely appreciate the serenity and the raw beauty.

The colours - every shade of green , blue and some other colours which you never even knew existed just overwhelm your senses.

There are huts on the island, but were probably built to keep your luggage or your slippers. This is one place where you will be ALL the time on the beach. Then you go through the same routine of sleeping in the hammock, tanning, swimming in the lagoon, eating the fresh catch, and again swimming in the cleanest waters where you look down and spot all those yellow stripped, blue fish swimming between your legs. Guys, one could get used to this place!

After lunch, we took a boat ride on a glass bottomed boat to see the corals. As the water is abs clear and no factories to kill the corals, there's an abundance of all species of the corals. The view is just breathtaking. The sun is hot and beats down your head, but we never noticed it.

Advice: Carry an umbrella with you all the time.

Bangaram has a helipad. No idea who would be using it but it makes up for a good walk.

Soon it 5pm and time to go back. If you want to stay overnight here, you need to tell the authorities in advance as they get all meals from Agatti. The ride back is rough. The sea was rougher that the morning, and water splashes down your head like a downpour. The handy umbrella comes in use again.

Going to Bangaram is one of the most memorable trips of a lifetime. You start and end with broad smiles. Its a definite for any one if your work is getting to you and you don't want to pay a dime to the doc.

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